Ich erinnere mich in letzter Zeit wieder häufig an die Gegend in der meine Ex wohnt :-/ Sehe die Straßen, die Häuser und Plätze vor meinem inneren Auge… sehe die Wege auf denen wir unterwegs waren… was mich dann zu folgendem (Song?)Text inspiriert hat:
Got your face
still in my eyes,
shout your name,
with breathless cries,
your voice still in my ears,
callin my name,
wish you where here,
to dry my tears,
lifes not anymore the same
i want to forget you,
erase you from my mind
someday i will, but until then
i’m still walkin your streets,
still walkin your streets
I remember you,
your like a shadow on my mind,
like an itch beneath my skin,
you left a bad taste in my mouth,
you spoiled my love,
wasted my soul,
made me your little fool
i want to forget you,
erase you from my mind
someday i will, but until then
i’m still walkin your streets,
still walkin your streets
When you ran away with him,
you took a friend from me,
you left me bleeding on the ground,
another broken heart is on your count
wanna get rid of you,
like you got rid of me,
and some day i’ll do,
but until then,
i have to walk your streets, until i’m through